LDAP Query to Find an OU by Contains

LDAP Query to Find an OU by Contains

Active Directory does not provide “contains” as an option for searching.  If you want to find an OU by its partial name, you can do an advanced search.  For example, if you want to find every OU that contains the letters “grp,” you and find it...

Safari on iPad will not authenticate on IIS with iOS7

There is a bug in iOS 7 and 7.02 that prevents authentication to IIS servers.  If you attempt to browse to a website that requires authentication, it will prompt for authentication, but never bring up the page.  You may see the correct URL in the address bar, but the...

Query for SQL Server Information

Have you ever wanted to know basic information about your SQL server?  You can use the SERVERPROPERTY command to retrieve that information with a query. Note that SERVERPROPERTY(ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS) will return the Physical Name of the active server.  If you...
Turn off ScreenSaver with Powershell

Turn off ScreenSaver with Powershell

Turning off the screensaver can be done by using PowerShell to change three registry settings. You can check your current settings in your registry at this location: HKEY Current User\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop  Run this code in...

PowerShell Group Membership to CSV file

I love the new PowerShell 3.0 Active Directory commands.  I find that I rarely need to use 3rd party cmdlets anymore. Today I was tasked with pulling group membership from a specific group in Active Directory and exporting specific data on each group member to a CSV...