Windows 10 does not keep PowerShell up-to-date for you. It usually ships with version 5, even though version 7 is the current version. Luckily, you can easily get the files and run the updater from within PowerShell itself.

First, check your current version with a simple get-host command. Both commands below will return your current version.


Your results will be something like this:

Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
5     1     19041 610

That is a very old version! Execute the command below to run the installer for the current stable version of PowerShell.

iex "& { $(irm } -UseMSI"

If you also want to update your ISE to use the latest version, you will need to install Visual Studio Code from here:

Once installed, launch it and go to view / extensions and select the current version of PowerShell. Press F1, then scroll down and select PowerShell: Enable ISE mode. Run your version command and you should see your major build is now the current year. For example, if installed today, you will see Major: 2021 Minor: 2 Build: 2 and Revision: -1

You can now use View / Appearance and change the appearance to your liking. I moved the sidebar to the right to get the familiar ISE feel. You can also turn it off completely to get a more focused environment.

Microsoft has a document with instructions on replicating the ISE experience in Visual Studio Code. How to replicate the ISE experience in Visual Studio Code for PowerShell v7