ISO Error: Sorry There Was a Problem Mounting the File

ISO Error: Sorry There Was a Problem Mounting the File

Issue: You downloaded a file from Microsoft, such as the Windows 10 Preview. The ISO downloads successfully, but when you try to mount it using Windows 8 or 8.1, you get the error: Sorry, there was a problem mounting the file. Cause: Sometimes when you download a file...

Change Time Zone

Changing your time zone is easy on Windows. Here are the steps. Log in to the computer with an account that has Administrator access to the computer. (Note, this is not the same things as “Run as administrator.”) Right-click the time on your Windows task...
Over Provision SSD

Over Provision SSD

Over provisioning a solid state drive (SSD) will maximize its performance over its lifetime. This means you leave unallocated space for the SSD to use to extend the life of your SSD. Some SSD manufacturers provide software that will help to over provision such as...