Some applications require broker to be enabled on SQL in order for the application to work correctly. This includes System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) and System Center Service Manager (SCSM). If broker is not enabled for those applications, changes that you make may not display in your local client.
You can check to see if broker is enabled by querying your sys.databases table in the master database. A result of 1 means it is enabled.
This will show you all databases and their broker enabled status.
select name, is_broker_enabled from sys.databases
This will show you a specific database
select name, is_broker_enabled from sys.databases where name='OperationsManager'
select name, is_broker_enabled from sys.databases where name='ServiceManager'
If you need to enable the broker, execute these commands:
use master;
alter database YourDatabaseName
set enable_broker with rollback immediate;
use YourDatabaseName;
You can run this again to make sure broker has been enabled.
select name, is_broker_enabled from sys.databases